Ok, so I don’t really have a story, but I do have a few truths.
1. I haven’t blogged in a really, really long time. I wished I loved it more/actually documented life more. Sometimes (ok a lot of the time) my brain works faster than my fingers. That’s probably not unusual, but it’s my excuse for not writing as much as I would like.
2. I really don’t like taking pictures. I never, ever have my camera with me. Even if I did, it’s a good six years old and photo quality is not the best at say the least. I like having pictures; I just don’t want to be the one to take them.
Me not taking pictures = not very exciting posts. I’m working on it.
3. I start a new job on Monday and am feeling a little anxious about it. Excited too, but definitely a little worried about my energy levels with starting a new schedule.
4. I have been g-free for 3 months and 1 week. Things have gotten better Celiac wise, but there are still challenges too. Still a learning AND healing process, and I’m ok with that…well more so the learning than the healing.
Life is good and full of blessings, as long as my eyes are open to see them.